



Yarn bombers from ideaXfactory meet at the Springfield Park Central Square to yarn bomb the Sculpture “Tumbler” by Aris Demetrios. When Aris created the sculpture back in the seventies he hoped it would spark more contemporary art and creativity in the area. Forty years later we are still waiting, and more than ready for additional Public Art on the Square.

Here, for a few hours, artists get permission to add to the Sculpture in a non-destructive way, engage the public along the way, and create a fun additive public art event on the Square. Although it was only up for a few days, this was a special Valentine that delighted the public that viewed it and brought new attention to the Tumbler Sculpture. This unique event now only lives on through this stop-motion film, but hope it inspires new contemporary art on the Square and throughout Springfield.

SGFMO yarn bombers meet at the ideaXfactory to share materials, skills, and plan transient (and sometimes radical) public art installations. For more information please visit http://yarnbomb.ideaxfactory.com

Musical soundtrack is the original recording “With My Brother” by Houston Hands, used with permission.

Here’s what reporter Kathryn Wall said about the Tumbler Yarn Bomb in the cover story for the News-Leader.